We built our wall one bag at a time.

Michele measures sand, Cheryl pours water and Peter dumps dirt.
Jesse fills a bag using a coffee can.
Two courses and a long way to go.
Three courses of bags and we decided to make the wall longer.
After laying five courses of bags, the wall is nearly complete.

Erika and Michele mudding the wall.
The ladies did a great job on the first mudding project. They never wrestled.
I made a happy spot. Then I decided to expand it.

It started low...
...and finished taller than I expected.

Now the Happy Spot is big enough to hold a hot tub!

Dave sings while he digs.
We finished laying gravel and placed our compass posts.

Just a little mugging for the camera...
At this point we had about 85 feet laid - June 22, 2006.
Many feet later - July 13, 2006.
Our good friend Bob Pettit helped us on Labor Day weekend 2006.
Bob and Michele working in the dining nook.
About 1400 feet laid - September 6, 2006.
Kelly Biggi holds the title of "The Best Mudder Ever". She welcomes competition from any and all comers - especially her husband Joe and our good friends the Clarkes.
Michele and Erika working with the bag stand they have dubbed the 'Marcellerator'.
The 'Marcellerator' helped Michele and Erika cut down the time to complete 30' by about 30 minutes.
About 2500 feet laid - January 24, 2007.
No work or school today! February 28, 2007.
Michele and Sara-Ann standing next to our first window form.
We're fast approaching 3000 feet as of April 5, 2007.
We were quite surprised when Daniel and Adrian wanted to work on the house again this morning despite it being cold and windy outside. We laid another 16 feet and then took the boys to Happy Burger.
We bought a drywall spray gun and hopper to spray on the first coat of earth-plaster.
The fast-drying earth-plaster protects the bags from the sun and helps the second, heavier, coat of material adhere better.