
Hyperadobe Tiny House Workshop
April 4 - 6
Marshall, NC

See sustainablelifeschool.com for more information.

Earthbag Tiny House Workshop
May 1 - 4
Spring Creek, NC

See sustainablelifeschool.com for more information.


Earth Bag Greenhouse Construction with Dana Oglesby
June 14 - 15
Crestone, CO

This workshop will be focused on laying the foundation for a 500 sq. ft greenhouse with scoria filled earth bags. You will learn the fundamentals of interlocking these bags together while creating a curved shape, pre-site excavation prep design, as well as the logistics and science behind earth battery design and implementation.

See www.crestoneenergyfair.org for more information


calearth.org has many superadobe workshops scheduled for 2023, listed at this link.

See sustainablelifeschool.com for other possible workshops.

earthenhand.com conducts workshops that involve earthbag building, mostly in the Northwestern US.

earthhandsandhouses.org has workshops in Europe.

calearth.org Nader Khalili's earthbag works.

naturalhomes.org lists workshops from around the world that relate to earthbags.

guidingstarcreations.blogspot.com offer a veriety of earthbag workshops mostly in Australia and Bali.

earthbaghouse.com has general information, work/trade opportunities, workshops, etc.

permastructure.com.au conducts earthbag workshops ion Australia.

AuwaEarth.com offers a variety of earthbag and earth construction workshops in Australia and Brazil.

ulewatitlan.com provides workshops on earthbag building and accomodations at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.

superadobedelsur.com located in Chile conducts earthbabg workshops throughout South America.

tsatsa-house.com has conducted workshops in India and Japan.

sustainablelifeschool.com periodically offers earthbag building workshops.


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