Media |
Click on image to buy from Amazon.com |
Essential Earthbag Construction: the complete step-by-step guide by Kelly Hart, New Society Publishing, 2018. Containing over 75 photos and illustrations, Essential Earthbag Construction is a practical guide to this affordable method of building. Going well beyond the scope of other sources, this indispensable manual is packed with all the information you need to determine if it's the right choice for your project, and to start building. Distilling decades of experience, research, and best practices, it covers:
- Material specifications, performance, and when and where to use it
- Pros and cons of different fills from gravel, to earth and clay, to insulative perlite, rice hulls, and volcanic stone
- Illustrated, step-by-step guidance for efficient bag filling and installation
- Details for various designs, including domes and arches
- Foundation options and seismic and stability considerations
- Finishing and maintenance techniques
- Tools and materials
- Additional resources.
Click on image to buy from Amazon.com |
Earthbag Architecture: Building Your Dream with Bags, a Green Home Building Book by Kelly Hart, 2015. Discover how you can build an amazing variety of structures using little more than the earth beneath your feet. Earthbag building is revolutionizing how people around the world are thinking about ways of providing shelter, both temporary and permanent. Such buildings can be remarkably durable and resistant to earthquakes, floods, fires and even bullets.
Kelly Hart describes the basics of how to build this way, provides a history of the evolving technology and delves into detailed descriptions of the many different earthbag projects that he has been involved with over nearly two decades. A survey of 64 unique buildings from around the world proves just how versatile this approach to building can be. A look to the future of earthbag building and a Resource Guide complete the book. Some 240 color photographs help you visualize the possibilities of this unusual and sustainable approach to architecture.
Earthbag Building Guide by Owen Geiger, 2011. Much has been learned about earthbag building over the last few decades through research, trial and error, and sharing of information. It is becoming increasingly clear what works best and why. This book pulls the most practical ideas together.
This builder’s guide does that by providing simple, clear explanations of each step of construction, from earthbag foundations that don’t require concrete, to complete information on tools and supplies, as well as tips, tricks and advanced earthbag techniques.
All major aspects of building earthbag houses with vertical walls are covered: Planning; Dirt cheap building techniques; Building code issues; Electrical and Plumbing; Cost estimating; Insulation; Landscaping options. It is profusely illustrated with about 185 color photos and detail drawings. This is now available as a PDF download for $20.
To see the Table of Contents and read some reviews of this book see this page.
A link to download the Earthbag Building Guide will be sent to you within 24 hours of your purchase.
earthbag Building Guide
$20 |
Building with Bags:
How We Made Our Experimental Earthbag/Papercrete House 1 1/2 hr. DVD produced by Kelly Hart.We wanted to build an environmentally sensitive and aesthetically pleasing home at a moderate price. We chose to create earthbag domes covered with papercrete (recycled paper combined with cement and sand). This honest DVD documents details of the construction, insights gained, and the ups and downs (literally!) of the building process. Several other earthbag homes are also shown. For more information about the house see the project page this house.
To view a streaming video intoduction to this DVD click here.
You can purchase this DVD for a total of $30 directly from the producer below. Allow at least a week for postal delivery. |
The Bio Veda Living Home Masterclass Alosha Lynov established the Bio Veda Academy as a way to disseminate his knowledge about building what he calls a Living Bio Shelter Organism, along with holistic water treatment and cooperative eco-villages.
Alosha studied Superadobe construction at CalEarth Institute in California, and what he teaches is somewhat based on their approach. He has combined Superadobe with Aircrete to build some unusual shapes in the world of domes; the aircrete allows him to fashion truly spherical shapes. Both of these techniques do require the use of Portland cement, but in relatively small amounts compared to standard concrete.
Alosha teaches workshops in these techniques around the world, and he has assembled a collection of videos documenting some of his workshops as an introductory course that can be purchased for learning at home. This course, called the Bio Veda Living Eco Home Masterclass, is offered with a full refund if you are dissatisfied after up to 30 days. You can sign up for this through the above links. |
The media shown below are arranged according to when they were published, with the most recent ones at the top. If you click on one of the images you will be taken to a page at Amazon.com where you can find out more about the product. If you end up buying something, greenhomebuilding.com will receive a small commission that will help cover the cost of maintaining this website. We make no guarantees about the quality of these products and suggest purchasing small quantities at first to make sure it is suitable for your project. Thanks for your patronage. |
Supplies |
18x30 Woven Polypropylene Bags With Ties & UV Protection 100 bags |

Woven Polypropylene Sand Bags With Ties & UV Protection, 18" X 30" 1000 bags |

Tamper with 8x8in Head |

18 Gauge 4-Point Class 3 Barbed Wire |

E-Z BAGGER Sandbag Filling Tool |

Polypropylene Netting 100' by 14' |

Fiberglass lath plaster mesh, 300 sq ft. |

150 6-inch Landscape Staples for attaching plaster mesh |
nmdirtbags.com provides earthbag building supplies, especially in New Mexico. |
Various locations in the US and Mexico |
Regular & Misprint or Used Bags:
Pacific Packaging
Portland, OR
Sodus, MI
(800) 785-0201
Super Poly
locations in Edmonton, Saskatoon, and Winnipeg (Canada)
White Bag Company, Inc
North Little Rock, AR
Bag Supplies Canada
Stratford, Ontario, Canada
Kent, Washington
Houston, Texas
Just Bags
Ace Bag & Burlap
Bronx, NY
Agriculture Bags MFG., Inc.
Oakland, CA
All In Safety
Brooklyn, NY
Berg Bag Company
Minneapolis, MN
Interbulk USA Express
Newton, MA
(888) 547-8513
Polytex Fiber Corp
Houston, TX
Commercial Bag Supply
Des Moines, Iowa
Pacific Bags Australia
Lake Forest, CA
800-286-7263 |
Farber Bag & Supply Company
Peosta, IA
Jumbo Sack
Maryland Heights, MO
MaxKatz Bag Co.
Indianapolis, IN
United Bags
St. Louis, MO
ACRA Industries
Phone: 2246-7986
Devonshire, England
Bags & Tubes:
Tel.: 00420 234 261772
Santa Ana, California
www. ameripacific.com
14" & 18" x 6000/lf UVI stabilized woven PP earth bag rolls
Bag Supplies Canada
Stratford, Ontario, Canada
Central Bag Company
Kansas City, MO
NYP Corporation
Elizabeth, NJ
G.M-Export Dept Shandong, JiaHe Packaging Group, TH Plastic weaving Co.
Phone: 86-158-6369-6895 Contact
Denzel, Sales Director
Qitianli Plastic Fabric Co., Ltd.
Phone: 86-533-7401727
Fax: 86-533-7401787
Mobile: 86-18766918966
Email: infoATchinawovenbag.com
jietepackaging for pp bags in China; jietepackaging for the rolls
MTP Polysak will make tubing to order mtppolysackAThotmail.com 081-353-5465 Bangkok |
I have surplus 14" & 18" rolls of woven PP tube available. Rolls are 6000/lf long priced at $840 & $960/ea sold by the roll only. They are UVI stabilized for 2000 hrs. Price is FOB my facility in Southern California. They are perfect for earth bag building! Thanks Steve 949-338-5978 tubedaddyATmsn.com
3/14 |
Suppliers of Mesh Bags & Tubing
volmcompanies.com is a U. S. based manufacturer that sells a variety of mesh bag products, including tubing. You can discuss your needs with Bob Frei who is the new products manager and is willing to work with you to fill your needs. Bob.FreiATvolmcompanies.com ; 715-627-3608; 715-216-0274
Syfilco Ltd. ,320 Thames Rd. E., Exeter, ON N0M 1S3, Canada Tel: 519.235.1244 Fax: 519.235.1280
Contact: Keith Campbell at k.campbellATsyfilco.on.ca
18" wide raschel mesh tubing is strong enough to work with easily and tamps to 12" wide at 4" high or 13" wide at 3.5" high. It comes in 1000 m rolls and is called 18" raschel mesh. They also sell other sizes. Contact: Maurice Wilson, Bag Supplies Canada, Stratford, Ontario 1 519 271 5393
glacierv.com has a variety of fairly inexpensive mesh products.
bagsupplies.com European outlet for bag products.
rich-source.com Chinese company manufactures mesh tubing.
jietepackaging mesh bags in China.
Suppliers Soil Stabilizers
prosealecco.com Using this nanocrete powder during the building process will increase strength, prevent water intrusion, contain any contaminants found in the building soil, and improve the service life of the building.
dirtglue.com a non-toxic product typically used for stabilizing roads, but now being used to stabilize soil for earthbag building.
polypavement.com solidifies earth to make natural soil pavement.
anywaysolutions.com manufactures products designed to be mixed with soil to meet a variety of needs in the building process.
terrazyme.com manufactures a safe, effective, non-corrosive liquid enzyme soil stabilizer.
enviremed.com reacts with the organic fines to create a catalytic bonding process.
Design Catalogue for Reconstruction of Earthquake Resistant Houses shows the official Nepali government's sanctioned specifications for earthbag construction, starting on page 126 of this PDF.
EB Options for Nepal is a draft set of specifications for earthbag building addressing various levels of earthquake risk, prepared by Patti Stouter of buildsimple.org in response to the need for this information in Nepal after the devestating earthquakes in the spring of 2015.
Contained Earth for Risky Areas, a PDF prepared by Patti Stouter in 2018.
Reinforced Earthbag Specifications is a 6-page PDF describing in drawings and text exactly how one might construct a reinforced earthbag wall that would pass most building codes in areas of high seismic risk. This document was prepared specifically at the request of Dr. Owen Geiger and Kelly Hart (who manage this website) for use on reconstruction projects in Haiti, but it could be useful wherever reinforced vertical wall structures may be built. We want to acknowledge and thank Nabil Taha of Precision Engineering (www.structure1.com) for his patience and diligence in preparing this document.
Wall Reinforcement describes various ways to reinforce earthbag walls in key locations, including corners, to resist lateral movement.
Openings in Walls discusses ways to safely make openings in walls: reinforcement, lintels, window grills, vent block and pipe.
BOND BEAMS: Concrete, Tubular Steel, Corrugated Metal, or Tubular Bag
Alternative Bond Beam outlines a method of creating bond beams and lintels with rectangular section metal tubing or wood beams that is integrated with the earthbag wall, with step-by-step instructions.
Earthbag Modules advocates the use of 24" modules for earthbag lengths.
Earthbag Foundation outlines the steps in preparing an earthbag foundation for a floor system.
Vibration Damping for Earthbag Walls in Seismic Regions by Patti Stouter.
buildsimple.org Patti Souter's suggestions for earthquake safety. Builders can check out how risky their area is for earthquakes, and then learn about a whole system of reinforcement that is fine-tuned to that level of risk.
D102 is a short introduction to stronger reinforcement in general aimed at designers just learning about earthbag building.
B series files are for builders:
B101 Build Low-Cement Resilient CE has some simple ways to increase strength for earthbag buildings in low-moderate risk areas. It includes information about how to check that building plans can be safe for certain levels of earthquake risk.
B102 Build Standard Grade Resilient CE uses reinforced concrete in spot footings only at building corners.
B103 Build High Strength Resilient CE uses strip footings to keep concrete use low but increase wall strength significantly.
B104 Extra Strength Resilient CE Details can be combined with B103 basics to supercharge walls for higher risk and/ or community buildings that need to survive quakes flawlessly.
These details are a resource for engineers and designers just learning about earthbag building to begin to work with the types of reinforcement that have shown the most promise. |
Links |
simpleearthstructures Patti Stouter has assemble this site that focuses on her work with earthbag concepts for inexpensive and sustainable housing.
naturalhomes.org lists workshops from around the world that relate to earthbags.
calearth.org Nader Khalili's earthbag works.
earthenhand.com offers educational courses in earthen architecture, including earthbags, as well as services in sustainable building design, consultation, and construction.
structure1.com Precision Engineering has embraced earthbag building and is prepared to provide structural engineering for earthbag projects.
Doni Kiffmeyer and Kaki Hunter feature some of their natural building projects, many constucted with earthbags. endeavourcentre.org is a short online guide to building with earthbags.
guidingstarcreations.blogspot.com offers workshops around the world.
motherearthnews.com an extensive article by Owen Geiger about how he built a small earth-sheltered earthbag dome.
earthhandsandhouses.org the construction of Paulina Wojciekowska's earthbag dome project in Poland. is shown under projects/sandbags...
caicosdream show Doni Kiffmeyer and Kaki Hunter working on an earthbag project.
calearth.org links to a gallery of photos of projects by alumni of CalEarth
tbumchurchhaitiumvimteam.blogspot.com shows how a simple earthbag house was built in Haiti.
superadobeserrano.blogspot.com this blog-style site is in Spanish, but you don't have to know that language to enjoy the many photos and videos of superadobe constuction in Argentina.
expressbagger.com manufactures a simple dual bag manual filling device for sandbags.
taoshivehome.blogspot.com is a nice blog about a woman's experience building an earthbag home, and there is a blog roll of many other similar blogs.
earthbaghouse.com has general information, work/trade opportunities, workshops, etc.
moradasverdes shows how building an earthbag health clinic in Mexico can be a model for building communities in general.
facebook.com Our blog has a fan page on Facebook!
barriersystemsllc.com manufactures the "Sand Master," an attahcment for a front end loader that will fill over a dozen bags at once!
buildsimple.org describes with video and illustrated text how Patti Stouter builds with "hyper wattle," a combination of mesh tubes stuffed with light straw clay to form light-weight, insulated, inexpensive walls. And there is a PDF about this as well: buildsimple.org
terra-form.org has an online tool for calculating various aspects of building domes using the superadobe methods. It is fun to play with the variations in bag size, dome radius, fill dimensions, stem wall heights and buttressing to see how each of these parameters affect the amount of material might be needed for a project.
chinawovenbag.com features a general article about polypropylene bags, and specifically how they can be used for earthbag building.
themlambeproject.org constructs earthbag buildings in Africa.
themudhome.com Atulya Bingham, natural builder, novelist and blogger, offers this resourseful site where you can find out about her experiences building with earthbags.
upyurts.info manufactures round metal roofs that could be used on earthbag roundhouses. |
Earthbag Blogs |